day 10: dollarama ladies (jennifer, umme, & mi mi)

“men sometimes feel too proud to ask for help” Sometimes the best conversations come from the most unexpected places. A trip to the dollar store ended up in a heart-warming, honest, and amazing conversation with three kind women. Meet Jennifer (left), Umme (middle), and Mi Mi (right). Jennifer comes from Quebec where she worked atContinue reading “day 10: dollarama ladies (jennifer, umme, & mi mi)”

day 9: jacobson family

“it’s really a family affair” Health is really not something that one should deal with alone. When something goes wrong (or right) we need our support group. In my case, I am lucky to have an extremely close family – bordering Brady Bunch perhaps… Every Friday night I have dinner with my entire extended familyContinue reading “day 9: jacobson family”